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HomeNewsNews ArchiveCulturepool's Next Event - 1st Birthday Party!

Culturepool’s Next Event – 1st Birthday Party!

From Culturepool…

Well, it’s been 1 year/12 months/365 days/8760 hours/ridiculous number of seconds (with zero funding!) since we launched culturepool, and we’d like to invite you to come along to celebrate this momentous occasion!

culturepool is a free voluntary organisation that encourages people to take part in art and culture in and around Liverpool and, since we launched in July 2006, we’ve taken part in a fabulous host of events…

* 20 events in 12 months
* 14 of which were free!
* 15 venues throughout the city
* 400 participants from as far as Australia, Latin America, France & Bristol!
* More than 15 artists/performers took the time to talk with the group

We know everyone’s very busy & that this event is on a weekend but it’s a great opportunity for you to come along and ‘meet your audience’ – the people who care and share your passion for art and culture in and around Liverpool. The party will be in the 3rd room of the Everyman Bistro from 7.30 on Saturday July 21st – more details below or on our website

culturepool’s success is not only down to its members but also all the fabulous people who’ve taken their time to talk to the group and contributed to our promotion. So, in no particular order, we’d like to say a big thank you to Adam Nankervis, Laurence Clark, Ellie & Yorgos, Chris Boyd, Joe Richardson, Nina Elliot, Jean Grant, Pam from Tate Liverpool, Lars Tunbjork, Marie McGowan, Lyn Fraser, Nahida Yasin, Mike Morris, Ian Jackson, Laura Yates, Kate from News from Nowhere, John Brady, Helen McBryde, Laura Arends, Kate Johnson, Alan Dunn, Paul O’Keeffe, Moira Calllaghan, Roz Gordon, Roger Phillips, Vanessa Howarth, Millicent Jones, Ronan McClafferty, Andrea Nix, Angela Heslop, Liz Lacey, Bernard Martin, Catherine Rigby, Patrick Henry, John Fillis, , Ema Quinn, Clare Hamilton.

The party is supported and endorsed by CultureCampus Liverpool (, a unique partnership between Higher Education and the Arts and Cultural leaders in Liverpool whose purpose is to attract and retain creative and talented people to the City.

Luan & Vinny
0151 236 0796

culturepool’s 1st Birthday ‘Do’

Since launching in July 2006, culturepool has held 20 events at various art & cultural venues throughout the city – yay us!

The group wouldn’t be a success without all its members, so come along and help us celebrate how fab we all are…

Don’t worry if you haven’t made it to a culturepool event yet, come along and enjoy the party!

Saturday 21st July 2007
19.30 in the 3rd room of the Everyman Bistros.

Everyman Bistro
5-9 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BH. 0151 708 9545

Get a chance to meet and catch up with other culturepool members.

This is a FREE party
You’ll be able to buy drinks and food at the Everyman