Have you registered with the Culture Campus yet?
From Liz Lacey, Director of Culture Campus Liverpool…
Who we are
Culture Campus is a new, Liverpool-branded, international centre and environment for learning, research, development, participation and expression in contemporary visual, media and popular culture.
It is a partnership bringing together the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, FACT (The Foundation for Art & Creative Technology), Tate Liverpool, and Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art.
What we do
Liverpool is revitalising and regenerating. Expectations are raised and aspirations increasing. The city increasingly demands higher skill levels. Many people with talent, knowledge and creative expertise are emerging from the thriving educational establishments of the city.
Not enough of them stay here.
On of the reasons for that is that they are not able to make links with the industries in which they want to work, don’t have the opportunities for internships, placements, and work experience, and lack the networks that are essential to the practitioner .freelancer, and project worker in the arts and cultural sector
The opportunities arising from Liverpool’s designation as European Capital of Culture 2008, and the increasing importance of the city as a creative centre for exhibiting arts, indicates that now is the time for developing new platforms from which to promote the remarkable strengths, talents and virtues of Liverpool to the world.
Culture Campus will provide a central point for drawing-in and capturing many of the activities, knowledge and learning opportunities and expertise arising from this period of intense cultural focus. It is a radical and dynamic form of partnership between cultural, educational, and business organisations, sharing a common agenda and collaborating in activities designed to ensure that the new Liverpool is one of the most attractive cities in Europe in which to pursue advanced cultural study, develop a career in the creative industries, and enjoy an aesthetically vibrant and affordable lifestyle.
Research and Development
Culture Campus will provide opportunities for undergraduate, postgraduate and cultural-industries focused research. Ideas, talent, production and post-production development, resources shared in common, capturing and archiving of the work of international artists when they are in Liverpool. It will facilitate seminars, conferences, and programmes of learning, opening them out to a wider market
Environment for International Contemporary Culture
It will work with Higher education providers, cultural organisations and private sector businesses to develop a firmer framework for internships, research, and work placements; driving up the quality of these valuable experiences and increasing professional development opportunities for cultural management and leadership. It will enable networking and relationship-building, increasing the accessibility of opportunities and information to those wishing to build careers or businesses in the creative and cultural industries
It will work with existing organisations (initially its partners), large and small, that are seeking to increase and widen the cultural offer of the city. It will act, too, as a social network, marketing and promoting events and gatherings that will bring like-minded people together, for debate, discourse, and fun. It will provide a web-based library, information source and an archive centre for visual and contemporary arts and culture.
Please register on the Culture Campus Website; www.culturecampus.co.uk