Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeNewsNews ArchiveCilla Black & Cliff Richard Launch the Biennial

Cilla Black & Cliff Richard Launch the Biennial

cilla black cliff richardNot true of course. I am just attempting to make this more appealing to readers of the Echo. Apparently when someone rang up our local paper to complain about the lack of coverage of the Biennial, he was told that the festival was too high-brow for their readership!

Well if this stuff is too high brow, god help us when we are Capital of Culture in 2008 and how insulting to its readers.

I took this picture from the Daily Post’s two-page spread on Sir Cliff and Our Cilla and other, erm, ‘celebrities’ at some ‘night of glamour’. Its adjacent to another in a long running series of totally negative two-page spreads of the ‘Culture Projects Falling Behind’ variety. This from an ’08 Official Partner’

To be fair, the Post is a lot better than the Echo. Must be a more high-brow readership I guess.