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HomeNewsNews ArchiveCharity fundraiser EAST AFRICA and SMLLCA at Gallery4AllArts

Charity fundraiser EAST AFRICA and SMLLCA at Gallery4AllArts

Saturday, 19 November 2011, 19.30 – 21.45
Gallery4allarts ( presents

Acoustic Evening
Charity fundraiser EAST AFRICA and SMLLCA
St Michael’s and Lark Lane Community Association
Presented by / MC ROGER PHILLIPS
Evening accompanied by abstract art: “Capturing Threads of Light”

The Old Police Station, Main Hall, 80 Lark Lane, Liverpool, L17 8UU
Entrance through Sefton Grove (last entry at the rear)

Starring musicians, singers and artists
whose music emerges from a variety of artistic styles (classical , contemporary) and ethnic backgrounds:
Tayo Aluko (baritone), Stan Ambrose (celtic harp), Bisacha Sarker (Indian storytelling/ choreography), Jo Bywater (guitar, voice), Paul McDowell (guitar, voice, mandolin), Oritsema Ejuoneatse (soprano), Graculus (Phil Hargreaves (flute, soprano sax), Richard Harding (guitar)), Ade Jackson (guitar, voice), Martin Robinson (piano), Skirmish (harmonica, guitar) & Nicole Bartos (art).

All funds from this concert and 50% from all art sales go to charity.
Tickets fees: £7.00 (concessions £3.00)
Tickets sold via: SMLLCA, at The Old Police Station, 80 Lark Lane, L17 8UU (; Contact Rupert: 0151 728 7884; Monday-Friday 11 am-6pm, and
via: News from Nowhere Bookshop (, 96 Bold Street, L1 4HY; tel. 01517087270;
Or, tickets sold at the door on the day of the performance.
Number of seats limited, therefore please book in advance or, ‘first come, first served’ applies.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
For any other enquiries please contact / E-mail: tel. 07756912911