Alternative Turner Prize Competition 2007 – Tate Liverpool
The Alternative Turner Prize is a competition for young people aged 13-25 based on this year’s Turner Prize 2007.
Create a piece of artwork in any medium inspired by the artwork of one of the four nominated artists in this year’s Turner Prize. The winning entries will be displayed in the gallery at Tate Liverpool and on the Young Tate website.
This is your chance to invent visual stories inspired by the art of the Turner Prize nominees, 2007. Twist the tale and push your creativity to its limit!
For more information on how to enter the Alternative Turner Prize download the competition pack and the submission form. The submission form is available for download as an editable Microsoft Word document.
For inspiration visit the exhibition on the 4th floor at the Tate Liverpool (19 October 2007– 13 January 2008), or visit the Turner Prize 2007 website.
This competition ends on January 8th 2008.