2011 Liverpool Art Prize – Nominate an Artist Now.
Nominate artists now for the Liverpool Art Prize 2011.
The Liverpool Art Prize is a competition of contemporary art open to professional artists based in or born in the Liverpool City Region1 of the United Kingdom.
Closing date for nominations is Sunday 28 November 2010
Enter details in the form to make your nomination(s).
* You may nominate up to 3 artists.
* Artists may nominate themselves.
* Artists who were shortlisted in 2010 are ineligible for nomination for 2011 (Namely: David Jacques, James Quin, Gina Czarnecki, Emily Speed and Paul Rooney)
The exhibition of short listed artists will take place in May 2011 at METAL at Edge Hill Station, Liverpool.
We expect the prizes to be same as 2010 i.e. £2000 for the overall winner decided by a panel of judges and £1000 to the People’s Choice winner decided by ballot of visitors to the gallery.