The Williamson Tunnels are a unique historical architectural feature of Liverpool. This sketching session is a mixed ability class suitable for experienced artists who want to experience drawing in this unique location or beginners looking to learn useful skills to help record the world around you.
More info & booking available here
- Looking at different ways of drawing architecture
- Using tonal drawing to deal with lighting effects
- Experimenting with different materials for dealing with effects of light
- We will talk about approaches to your drawing referencing different artists to provide context and pointers on how to approach the problems involved.
- Quick drawing exercises about creating thumbnails sketches and planning out a tonal scheme.
- Tips on getting believable Architectural proportions and establishing a sense of scale in drawing. Then different ways of rendering the effects of light in tone.
- Long drawings.
- Group critique and feedback sessions
Please bring pencils, erasers and an A3 sketch book.
We suggest you buy your materials for the course from Cass Art’s online store. To order your materials, simply visit the link below to view a pre-filled online basket with basics you may need to get you started.
You can edit the basket if there are items you already have or if there are other items you’d like to add. You’ll also receive a 5% discount which has been applied to your basket.
The tutor will provide additional materials for you to experiment with along with boards to lean on.
- Dress appropriately as the site is a working excavation and can get quite chilly!
- There will be chairs for you to sit on dotted around the site.
- Feel free to bring a drink with you as there are no facilities on site, but no food please.
There are two dates which you can choose to do:
Sunday 28th October, 10am – 1pm, or Sunday 2nd December, 10am – 1pm.
The Williamson Tunnels, Paddington, L7 3RG
£25 for one 3 hour class.
- There are a maximum of 15 places available on the course, so early booking is essential.
- To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660
More info & booking available here