Walker art Gallery: Refractive Pool: Meet the Artists (Cherie Grist)

Walker art Gallery: Refractive Pool: Meet the Artists (Cherie Grist)


13:00 - 14:00


Walker Art Gallery
William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Refractive Pool: Meet the Artists 

Join Refractive Pool exhibiting artists at The Walker Art Gallery to hear more about their practice and the work featured in the Refractive Pool: Contemporary Painting in Liverpool exhibition. The talks take place on the gallery and run from 1pm, for 30 – 40 minutes. All welcome, free to attend and no booking required. Dates for our first run of talks are below and more to be announced soon.

Saturday 2nd July – David Jacques

Saturday 6th August – Louis Jeck Prestidge

Saturday 13th August – Richard Meaghan 

Saturday 10th September – Cherie GristÂ