Walker Art Gallery: Free Events September 2015

Walker Art Gallery: Free Events September 2015


1.9.15 - 30.9.15    
10:00 - 17:00


Walker Art Gallery
William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Introductory Tour
Every Wednesday
Enjoy an introductory tour led by our Visitor Host focusing on the history of the Gallery and highlights from the collection.
Drop in, no booking required

Talk Tuesday: Take One Picture
1 September

Find out more about this wonderful Take One Picture exhibition and the painting that inspired it. Drop in, no booking required

Talk Tuesday: Art in Crisis
8 September 
As part of Art in Crisis, Crisis’s national arts festival, members will lead a tour of the REALITY exhibition, sharing their own fresh perspective on this exhibition of vibrant British painting. This event is part of the Reality exhibition.
Drop-in, no need to book

Heritage Open Month: Introductory Tour of the Walker Art Gallery
9 & 10 September
11.30 and 14.30

Find out more about this stunning building and discover some of the highlights of the collection of paintings, sculpture and decorative arts.
Drop in, no booking required

Talk Tuesday: Reality
15 September

Explore the Reality Exhibition with Art Historian Julie Robson.

Talk Tuesday: Bathers, Dieppe by Walker Sickert
22 September
Join Art Historian Julie Robson as she discusses this wonderful painting.
Drop in, no booking required

Talk Tuesday: Artists and Disability: Degas and Monet
29 September
Join Xanthe Brooke to explore the impact of visual impairments on the work of Degas and Monet.
Drop in, no booking required

See full details on the Walker website events page