Raise a glass with us at our Zine bar for the final showing of And Yet It Moves, featuring work by Callum Johnstone, Beata Wrobel, MollyMae Whawell and Charlie Cook. With specially designed cocktails by the Royal Standard directors, you can snatch some zine’s for bargain prices, which feature our current studio members practices’ and previous exhibiting artists, what more could you want?
Our current show And Yet It Moves- a showcase of sculpture in motion closes on the 18th May. This evening will be the final time the exhibition can be viewed. To send it off we will be launching a new range of limited edition baskets for sale by exhibiting artist, Beata Wrobel.
Be there too for the last activation of Charlie Cook’s 98 Lift- Offs and take mushrooms home from Callum Johnstone’s Flat Pack Mobile Habitat (we are told they are great in a Risotto).
In addition to a final meander around the exhibition head towards our social space. Here we will have a selection of cocktails and an opportunity to flick through and purchase a plethora of zines, along with our range of other available merchandise.
Join us 5pm- late on 18th May 2018.