The Royal Standard: Reading group with Kim McAleese

The Royal Standard: Reading group with Kim McAleese


18:30 - 20:00


The Royal Standard
Northern Lights, Cains Brewery Village, Grafton Street, Liverpool, L8 5SD, Liverpool

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Reading group with Kim McAleese

As part of the public programme for ‘The thinking-business’ Kim McAleese will be hosting a reading group on ‘The Company She Keeps’ by Celine Condorelli.

A digital version of the text is available on request from

Kim McAleese is a curator based in Birmingham, UK. She is currently working as Programme Director of Grand Union, a gallery space and artists’ studios in the city. She is co-founder of Household, a collective of five curators who organise projects that encourage people to re-negotiate how they view and interact with art in city spaces.