ROAD Studios: Time Slips Away

ROAD Studios: Time Slips Away


19.5.17 - 21.5.17    
All Day


Road Studios
Northern Lights, Cains Brewery Village, 5 Mann Street, Liverpool, L8 5AF, Liverpool

Event Type

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Time Slips Away

Private View: Friday 19th May 5-10pm
Open: Saturday 20th May – Sunday 21st May
view by appointment
ROAD Studios, Top Floor, Carlisle Building, 69 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L1 6DE

‘Does the amount of time poured into a piece of artwork intrinsically lead to a better result?’

For Light Night 2017, ROAD Studios will be exploring the role time plays with the creative process. Each participant will be recorded for of one hour as they create a piece of artwork, giving an insight into their creative process and the work that goes into it.