HYPERTEXT book fair
Sat 28th – Sun 29th Nov. 24hrs a day online.
about the event
Pink Sands Studio is featuring 5 publications at HYPERTEXT:
The Clenched Fist by George Lionel Barker. Launching this year at HYPERTEXT, in his first collection George’s terror lies close to the surface, but his tenderness does too. This is a world of sincere astonishment folded into defensive ridicule. His sincere statements of fact are a placid membrane over his silent screams
Helen Blake by Helen Blake and Pink Sands Studio. The fourth in Pattern interview series, ‘haptic overtly handmade and never pre-planned’, Helen’s paintings are beguilingly patterned but resolutely material. Containing colour reproductions an interview about the environment surrounding Helen’s work, how paintings can slow your heartbeat and self-sufficiency as a painter. Designed by www.mikestudio.co.uk
Just Dogs That Live Longer by Stephen Forge and Pink Sands Studio. The second in our pattern interview series, Stephen Forge talks about his work, component-based design, truth to materials and getting what you get. Design by www.mikestudio.co.uk
Heart Throbs by Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould. ‘Heart Throbs takes you on a journey through a selected history of our oddball idols and pop cultural objects of affection. Full colour glossy zine, with a variety of digital collages and us in conversation. For us these memories are part haunting nostalgia, part absurd hilarity.
Join us on our Weekend at Yearnies. xx.’
Stories by George Lionel Barker. Four stories on some of the difficulties that come with the contemporary social pact. Violence and politics at work drinks and difficult nakedness in a supermarket car park. With eye searing design by Pink Sands Studio.
This year Bound Art Book Fair is collaborating with Open Eye Gallery to translate their celebrated and ambitious public programme to an online space, extending its reach, internationalising its exhibitors and audience, and developing its organisation for a post-Covid-19 world. The online iteration is called HYPERTEXT, and will run across the weekend of 28 & 29 November 2020 on a new, dedicate website. A programme of online events co-programmed with Open Eye Gallery will include panel discussions, slideshows and site-specific presentations. Rather than trying to replicate a physical gallery, the team are working with designer-developers Amrit Randhawa and Rory Clifford to conceive a website which allows artists to develop work specifically suited to the digital space, but that still responds to print media as a format. HYPERTEXT will also have publisher pages for up to 60 exhibitors—artists, photographers, small publishers and project spaces—where books can be purchased using one single e- commerce back end.
During HYPERTEXT Pink Sands Studio are hosting two events on Sat 28th on Instagram Live:
Sammy Playford – 7:30pm A reading performance from local woodland of recent poems exploring cryptid evasion tactics, podcasts, and how much she hates her job.
George Lionel Barker and Tim Zercie – 8pm Join us for an hour of violent language, sexual dancing, and live minimal techno. Tighten up. Get rich. Pull yourself together.