OUTPUT Gallery: in conversation with Kate Cooper

OUTPUT Gallery: in conversation with Kate Cooper


18:00 - 19:00


OUTPUT Gallery
32 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE, Liverpool

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OUTPUT gallery in conversation with Kate Cooper

Kate Cooper returns to OUTPUT after her exhibition opening for an interview with gallery manager Gabrielle de la Puente. The two will discuss the work Cooper has presented in her first solo exhibition in Liverpool, as well as the wider activities and politics of her practice.

Cooper lives and works between London and Amsterdam. She recently completed her residency at the Rijksakademie, and is a Director and co-founder of the London-based artist-led organisation Auto Italia. Cooper’s work centres on the body as a contested space for communication and representation. In her artistic practice, she uses CGI to manipulate avatar bodies in surreal situations, in which characters function both as objects and as infrastructure. Presented as harbingers of affect; these fictional liminal bodies are presented as forms of weaponry with which to unpick and reject contemporary modes of exploitative labour.

OUTPUT is a new gallery in the The Kazimier Gardens’ former workshop space at 32 Seel Street. OUTPUT gallery will exclusively show creatives from or living in Merseyside.

The gallery is wheelchair accessible however the venue’s bathrooms are not, please accept our sincerest apologies. If you want to inquire ahead concerning any access needs, please get in touch output@thekazimier.co.uk or call Gabrielle on 07770691652.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/184995392330679/