Poetry Reading: John Redmond
Wednesday 9 November / 6pm – 8pm / Free / Booking Required
John Redmond, Liverpool-based poet and academic reads from his third collection, The Alexandra Sequence (Carcanet Press, 2016). ‘Alexandra’ refers to an area around Sefton Park in Liverpool and Redmond’s poetry offers a view of contemporary city life through the unusual perspective of the ‘mummers play,’ contemplating modern urban neighbourhood through medieval theatre.
Educated at University College Dublin and the University of Oxford, John taught at Macalester College in Minnesota for two years. He is a Reader in Creative Writing at the University of Liverpool and reviews poetry widely. He has published a textbook How to Write a Poem (Oxford: Blackwell) and was the editor of James Liddy: Selected Poems (Dublin: Arlen House). His critical book Poetry and Privacy: Questioning Public Interpretations of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry has just been published by Seren. He is particularly interested in the intersection between literature and various forms of virtual reality.
The event is free, however booking is required. Reserve your place at Open Eye Gallery, call +44 (0)151 236 6768 or email info@openeye.org.uk