Needlefelt Easter Chick – ONLINE via ZOOM with KIT included (and P&P)

Needlefelt Easter Chick - ONLINE via ZOOM with KIT included (and P&P)


9.4.20 - 17.4.20    
18:00 - 20:00

Event Type

Beginner to Intermediate Class Online – Using video call package ZOOM with your computer, tablet or phone, join a session with maximum of 5 people to learn the skill of needlefelting – create an Easter chick! Included in the £15 fee is a KIT with postage delivered to your home. It has everything you need apart from scissors and a household sponge. Relax with a G&T or cup of tea at home – LIVE session allows you to show your work to the tutor and ask questions to get feedback and advice – as she guides you step by step through the process. KIT includes – yellow merino & silk blend wool, orange wool, black wool, copper wire for feet, templates, 100% natural core inner wool, cotton thread, superglue, 2 x Red gauge HEIDI feathers needlefelt needles, alcohol wipe, bow tie accessory, handing twine.

Booking in advance in time to receive KIT – via Eventbrite or directly by email – or 07967045084 – paypal accepted dates & times on offer:

Th 9th April 6-8pm
Sa 11th April 12-2pm
Fr 17th April 1-3pm