Liverpool University’s Lotte Verheijen and Poet Raphael Moore bring a gendered language double bill that’s not to be missed.
Gendered Language and Queer Linguistics Workshop by Lotte Verheijen 17:00 – 18:30
This workshop will provide a historical overview of how the relationship between gender and language has been viewed, studied and analysed over the past 50+ years. From ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus’ to notions of performativity and intersectionality. From a hetero-and-cisnormative, white, Western point of view to a more diverse, inclusive and culturally specific perspective.
This journey through gender, language, time and space will be accompanied by a plethora of analytical as well as more community-focused examples from the land of film and television, and beyond. We will take a look at the early beginnings of Gender & Language research. What was interesting about these early approaches and theories and what was lacking? How do they compare to how we currently think about gender, all its identity intersections, and how gender both constructs and is constructed by one’s language use? How has the language used to describe other people of the same or different genders, as well as descriptions of one’s own gender identity and expression changed?
Here we also delve deeper into the way gender interacts and intersects with sexuality, class, race, ethnicity and culturally specific group identities, and the ways in which these intersections affect one’s vocabulary and speech patterns. Lastly, we will also take a look at media portrayals of (hegemonic) femininity and masculinity and how these portrayals have shifted and developed over the years.
This workshop will be taught by Lotte Verheijen (she/her), a PhD Candidate in Linguistics at the English Department of the University of Liverpool. Lotte’s research interests lie predominantly in the fields Language & Gender and Queer Linguistics. Her PhD research focuses on the representation and linguistic construction of female voters, as well as notions of homonationalism, in the UK press in the context of the recent UK General Elections and the EU Referendum. Lotte has previously taught at the University of Liverpool, presented at Academic conferences, published some of her work, as well as appeared on BBC’S Woman’s Hour to discuss the use of lesbian slang.
Content warnings: mentions of different forms of misogyny
Gendered Language and Poetry Workshop by Raphael Moore 19:00 – 21:30
Shall I compare thy gender to a summer’s day?
A workshop providing an introduction to transgender writing via poetry, discussing how writers can sensitively explore the concept of gender within the confines of language. The workshop will include samples of poetry from transgender and GNC poets, including Oliver Baez Bendorf, Kayleb Rae Candrilli, Dawn Lundy Martin, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, John Bosworth, and more. We will use their poems as a catalyst for writing poetry about our own conceptions of gender. How can we describe gender? Can we describe the body without ascribing gender? How do the rules of language limit our expressions of gender, and how can we break those rules? This workshop provides an open space for curiosity about and exploration of new portrayals of gender – awkward questions and uncertainty are welcome.
The session will include discussion and writing focusing on:
How writing, and particularly poetry, can be used as a method to explore gender.
Gendered language, grammar rules, and how to break them creatively.
The sticky business of pronouns and names in writing.
Neopronouns, multiple names, and how to avoid being a person altogether.
Xenogenders and alternative methods of describing the gender experience.
New ways to describe sex, desire, and the gendered body.
The workshop is delivered by Raphael Moore, a gay trans man, painter, teacher, and poet. Raphael began speaking about transgender issues as a teenager, providing presentations to fellow students, and he hasn’t shut up since. Raphael has completed a BA in Creative Writing and a Masters in Popular Culture. Raphael now teaches English, and is working on a poetry collection, The Dead Weight, centred around transgender violence, community mourning, and suicide.
Content warnings: Language warning, discussion of sex, genitals, gender dysphoria, transphobia, non-graphic mentions of suicide.
Food will be served between these sessions
The festival will operate in line with current government guidance with regards to COVID-19. At present, festival-goers will need to show a ‘covid pass’ from the NHS app.
Guests may also be asked to allow a temperature check on the door, events will be socially distanced and face coverings are strongly encouraged indoors.
If you are feeling unwell, or have any of the main symptoms of Coronavirus (including a persistent cough, fever or loss of/change to your sense of taste/smell), we’d love to see you when you’re feeling better. Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell, stay home and get tested.
A British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter will be available for all events on request. If you require an interpreter, please contact us ahead of the event so that we can arrange this for you. Please get in touch via mooncup.theatre@hotmail.com FAO Accessibility request.
Likewise, if you or a member of your party would like to discuss access requirements at any of the events, please get in touch via mooncup.theatre@hotmail.com FAO Accessibility request.
Free catering is provided for selected events. The food is gluten free, vegan and nut free. If you would like to notify us of any dietary requirements or allergies please contact mooncup.theatre@hotmail.com FAO Catering