Art in Society: Public, Private, and Journalism.
Wednesday 16th May 2018
Make. North Docks, Unit 1, 34 Regent Street, L3 7BN
Open 17:00-20:00
Art in Society: Public, Private, and Journalism is a discussion on the ways curation and location can affect how we perceive the arts, presented through these fields. We will be introducing three panelists to our discussion, with various backgrounds of experience and education.
Thomas Dukes, the head curator at the Open Eye Gallery, will provide a ‘White Cube’ perspective of curation and reflect on the feedback received on behalf of the gallery. His expertise and occupation, as a curator, is to be responsible for artist liaison, exhibition logistics and programming public events within the Open Eye. Fauziya Johnson is a final year Fine Art student, who specialises in the practice of fine art photography, with influences being her Afro-Caribbean heritage, and her experiences of this within a pro- dominantly Caucasian country. She is also a co-founder of ROOT-ed Zine, a zine that represents ethnic minority creatives of colour within the North West; her experience of journalism and curating the zine will provide a middle-ground to this discussion. Lastly, site-specific artist Jay Wheeler spreads the hashtag #Love around the country and abroad, in order to change the stigma of mental illness. His curation and decision making of where to create his artwork in the outdoors is the opposite end to curating inside a gallery, hence why his opinion is so valuable for this panel.
What’s On:
• 17:00pm-18:00pm Reception
• 18:00pm-19:00pm Talk
Stay up to date with the event and other productions by following our social media pages: Twitter @XXIXLHU, Facebook @XXIXliverpool, and Instagram @XXIXliverpool. Alternatively you can join us at the event and make the most of this interesting talk with an exciting combination of people. Refreshments will be provided but space is limited so arrive early to ensure your seat.
Sponsored by XXIX
Programmed in association with Make.
XXIX are a group of twenty-nine emerging artists based in Liverpool.
For public information contact us by email: XXIXLiverpool@gmail.com