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The Serving Library presents Abigail Reynolds’ Lost Libraries
Inaugurating The Serving Library’s new long-term residence at Exhibition Research Lab, artist Abigail Reynolds recounts her episodic journey on motorbike along a line across the world from Cornwall to Xi’an and back again, with stops and starts at fallen library sites. The talk is timed to coincide with the April 1st release of the second installment of her incremental bulletin, Lost Libraries (http://www. servinglibrary.org/journal/12/ lost-libraries), and is introduced by The Serving Library’s Angie Keefer and concluded in conversation with Public Fiction’s Lauren Mackler.
On Saturday 1 April at 6 pm
The Serving Library
c/o Exhibition Research Lab
Liverpool John Moores University
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Duckinfield Street
Liverpool L3 5RD, UK
The bar will be open, serving for a modest fee. All welcome.