January: Arts & Dementia Masterclass for Participatory Artists

January: Arts & Dementia Masterclass for Participatory Artists


10:00 - 17:00


MPAC Liverpool
1-27 Bridport Street, Liverpool, L3 5QF, Liverpool

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Live & Learn: Launch of New Programme
January: Arts & Dementia Masterclass for Participatory Artists
Over the past 6 years Collective Encounters has amassed considerable experience working in the field of Arts and Dementia. Co-facilitated by Collective Encounters’ Artistic Director and Head of Participation, this is a full-day training session introducing participatory artists to working with people with dementia. Training methodology will involve tutor presentations, group discussion and action learning sets. Participants will be provided with a range of resources to take away with them to enhance their learning. Book your place here.

Free Training for Carers
If you care for someone living with dementia why not take part in one of our free half day training courses. The aim of the training is to introduce you to some simple exercises and techniques which you can undertake on a day to day basis with those that you care for. The training is suitable for both professional carers and those helping friends and family members. The training can be delivered with groups of workers in a care home setting or on a one-to-one basis. each training event comes with a free Arts & Dementia Pocket Guide. Please contact admin@collective-encounters.org.uk or call 0151 345 6266 for more details.