RIDE YOUR PONY No.02: An Annual International Group Exhibition
12 – 28 October 2018
Ride Your Pony is pleased to present to you its second annual international group exhibition
this October as part of the Liverpool Independents Biennial. 26 participants from across
the globe including an array of Designers, Illustrators, Photographers, Artists and Makers
have each been invited to create a piece of work to exhibit in response to a lucky dip letter
of the alphabet. The brief asked the participants to use their letter which they received in
the post as either an object within their work, or as a starting point for them to begin from.
On Thursday 11th of October 6-10pm, the doors will open to the public and invited guests
for the exhibitions launch party where the 26 pieces of work will be on display. Following
our successful inaugural show last year at Islington Mill in Salford, which then toured to
Liverpool, the 26 participants were asked whether they would like to participate again,
nominate somebody new or let Ride Your Pony invite a new contributor.
For our second show, we have some exciting new participants, a selection include: Anton
Zoetmulder, a Dutch Architect based in Delft; Molly Fairhurst, an Illustrator based in
Bristol; Lucy May Schofield, an Artist currently based in Northumberland, soon to be in
Japan for 3 months; Adam Griffiths, a Manchester based Designer and Director; Marilyn
Farley, a Mediator / Creator based in Montreal Canada and Agnes Wolkowicz an Artist
based in South Korea.
To find out more please visit www.rideyourpony.club or follow @rideyourpony.club on
instagram for regular posts on each of the participants. The exhibition will remain on view
from Fri 12th Oct – Thur 28th Oct, Wed – Mon 11-5pm.