FACT: Collage Art Journaling

FACT: Collage Art Journaling


12:00 - 16:00


88 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ, Liverpool

Event Type

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Creating a visual diary combining elements of collage, writing, drawing, ’zen’ doodling as a means of personal self expression.

***To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660***

Sundays 12pm -4pm, 1st , 8th and 15th October (£135 for 3 Day Course)


This 10 week course will focus on students creating a visual diary combining elements of collage, writing, drawing, ’zen’ doodling as a means of personal self expression and a space for experimentation; exploring themes from everyday life, as well as bigger hopes, dreams, and fears.

Fun and relaxing, collage is a wonderfully creative outlet, particularly for people who want to make art but don’t feel they have the skills or confidence for other endeavours. There are no rules! You can’t get it wrong and collaging, art journals are an easy way to help you connect with the creative self within.

The purpose of art journaling is not to make every page a masterpiece but to go with the flow, encourage playfulness and to enjoy experimenting with creativity in a personal, safe environment with the support of the tutor.

This self-directed process allows a freedom of expression that will build confidence and empower thinking.

Each week will begin with a quick 10 minute warm up collage exercise and then participants will create an image in response to a prompt or theme.

Prompts & Themes could include:-

  • Creating a Mandala, zentangle
  • A favourite quote
  • A favourite poem
  • Your Hand
  • What’s in my head
  • Faces
  • Gratitude
  • Black Out Poetry
  • Nature
  • A favourite memory
  • Dreams
  • Creating a Surreal collage/ humour
  • A favourite song
  • Free writing & imagery

On completion participants will have started a beautiful personal journal and will have gained the skills to carry on with this expressive, mindful art form.

Tutor: Olga Snell

Olga Snell is a digital collagist and workshop leader sharing her skills with students across the UK.

Snell was a freelance commercial photographer for 25 years based in Toronto Canada working for major Advertising Agencies, Designers and Blue-chip clients such as Apple Computer.


Sundays 12pm -4pm, 1st , 8th and 15th October (£135 for 3 Day Course)


FACT Liverpool

88 Wood Street,


L1 4DQ




You will need to bring your own empty journal as a starting point, but all other materials are provided.

You may want to bring additional materials to collage such as pictures, notes, magazines and other scrap papers to personalise your Journal.


There are a maximum of 15 places available on each session, so early booking is essential.

To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660.

Cancellations / Refunds

Once you have made your course booking you are committed to it. This is because our courses have very small student numbers, and often sell-out and are unavailable to others. Therefore any cancellations may result in a place not being filled, or a course not being able to run.

Cancellations are permitted up to 30 days before the start of a course, and a full refund will be issued. Refunds will not be made for cancellations less than 30 days before the start of a course. If you are unable to attend due to illness, personal or professional commitments you do not have the right to a refund.

If you wish to cancel your place on a course that has not yet started and you have a friend or colleague who can take your place we can accommodate this substitution.