An exhibition featuring Clare Wrench, Carol Miller, Lorna Morris, Rob Edmondson, Jacob Gourley and John O’Neill.
A new exhibition at dot-art, ‘Reflections’ is open to the viewer’s interpretation of the word. Some may envision sky reflected in bodies of water, mirror images or perhaps are drawn to a more personal reading of inward-looking moments of reflection. The artists in this exhibition have interpreted the theme through these various lenses and offer up their diverse artistic approaches through portraiture, landscape and photography to support the viewer’s own contemplation of what ‘Reflections’ mean to them.
Clare Wrench – Clare has always loved to paint reflections on water, incorporating this in her landscapes and cityscapes. She is inspired by Claude Monet’s impressionist waterlilies series and fascinated by how light reflects off the surface of the water. “Reflections upon water are one of my favourite things to paint, such as a ripple in the water of a lake causing a distortion in the image reflected. Water can also reflect a mirrored image which often takes the form of a pattern, abstract shape or the unusual forms on a crest of a wave.”
Jacob Gourley – Jacob’s practice is often figurative, utilising social commentary and imagined worlds as parallel styles, both in balance between realism and abstraction. Pre-pandemic, Jacob drew inspiration from his day-to-day travel. The outcome was a body of work which depicts rail and bus passengers in a public transport setting. Since then Jacob’s work has migrated to the ‘Lotus’ series, marking a turn in his practice towards a more other worldly/surreal type of work.
Lorna Morris – “’Twinkling Waves’, is a view from the shores of Lake Coniston in the Lake District The silhouette is my daughter, but she is also you, the spectator. Three distinct forms of water: clouds, steam and the ripples from the gondola all reflect and refract the same evening sky. ‘Reflections of Rockcliffe,’ is of Rockcliffe beach viewed through the reflections of a mirror in Port Donnel Cottage. I played in the little rockpools at Rockcliffe as a small child. The mirror symbolises the many years that have come and gone and my distance from the past.
Carol Miller – Although primarily a painter, Carol also takes photographs. She uses contemplative photography, focusing on taking the time to actually see, reflecting on the present, becoming aware of what is surrounding her to reveal richness and beauty that is often overlooked. Instead of emphasizing subject matter or the technical aspects of photography, the contemplative approach allows her to see and make images based on fresh perceptions. The resulting images are edited on her phone using a basic photography app.
John O’Neill – John studied illustration in Cambridge and completed a Fine Art Degree at Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool’s rich and varied architectural heritage contrasting with the new urban skyline provides material for John’s evolving cityscapes. The movement of light and transient colour changes influences his expressive responses in drawing and painting and provides endless inspiration for his creative process.
Rob Edmondson – “Much of my work is based on the landscape of the North of England, I revel in the physical manipulation of the paint and experimenting with unusual techniques. Implicit in each painting is the use of light, colour, depth, and movement. Through visual devices I hope to capture the soul, in essence the mood of each special, secret place. This quote from Roald Dahl, could summarize my approach to art, “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.””
All artworks are for sale.
Exhibition continues Friday 26th May – Saturday 15th July.
VISIT: Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00 – 18:00