Buyer’s Club: I Did a Baad Thing

Buyer's Club: I Did a Baad Thing


2.11.23 - 2.1.24    
All Day


Buyer's Club Gallery
24 Hardman Street, Liverpool, L1 9AX

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An exhibition of paintings concerning America’s problem: Power & Money

Buyers Club, Liverpool
2nd November – January 2023
Free & Open to All

The paintings in this show are about the bad decisions that seem to happen on a loop.

Decisions that have the least worst effect on those that make them.

Decisions made by government men in power and in the pursuit of more, more, more.

This shit-sandwich of domestic and foreign policy-making is made easy-on-the eye because I’ve put cash-money on one painting, glitter on two and 23ct gold leaf on another. I’m Austin, hello, I made the paintings with my brain and my hands. I’ve spent most of my life working in the music industry, but nowadays I only work with lettering: painting murals, designing logos and old-school sign writing.

With this exhibition, I’m not trying to depict a strong dislike of America – and that’s because l adore large bits of it. I’m named after an American serviceman and, by proxy, a musical city in Texas. I spent my early teenage years beguiled by America’s cultural exports. This started with The Wonder Years, a TV series set in 60s & 70s Anytown U.S.A and this curiosity was subsequently cemented in parks by skateboard culture. Then hip-hop happened and changed everything. I started writing graffiti in 1989, which roots my love of lettering. Through the lyrics of Grandmaster Melle Mel, Chuck D, KRS One and Gil Scott Heron: I began to understand an America that defo wasn’t Disney.

Whilst painting the show, I have asked myself why I’m fixated with the near history of a foreign country? One answer is this: it’s a mind holiday for me, some time distance away from the present political situation in the country I call home. Concealed within one of the pieces, I’ve painted a penis on Jacob Rees-Mogg’s face.

Wherever you live: Life is Nothing Without Balance.