LightNight Liverpool 2017
Friday 19th May 2017
Bluecoat Display Centre are hosting a Meet the Maker event from 18.00-19.00 with wire artist Thomas Hill, whose work will be In the Window.
San Francisco based wire artist Tom Hill will be flying in especially for LightNight Liverpool to talk about his work. The three-dimensional wire sculptures are based on drawn studies of birds and animals in motion. The talk complements a solo window show at Bluecoat Display Centre during May 2017 that commemorates and celebrates his 20 year relationship with BDC.
Tom Hill is celebrating 20 years exhibiting at Bluecoat Display Centre, and will mark the occasion by making 20 pieces in his trademark steel wire. Over this time we have seen Tom develop from an emerging young maker, to a mature and widely exhibited international artist. This is a very appropriate with the Bluecoat building celebrating its 300 year anniversary.