Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeOpportunitiesJobs ArchiveVolunteer Coordinator, The Men's Room

Volunteer Coordinator, The Men’s Room

The Manchester Men’s Room (TMR) is arts and social care charity which supports young men engaged in or at risk of involvement in sex work or exploitation. For the last 13 years we have delivered a range of services to marginalised and chaotic young male sex workers and young men at risk of exploitation.

We have recently been fortunate to secure Big Lottery Reaching Communities funding to develop our participatory arts and social care support programmes. As a small frontline charity, volunteers are vital to our ability to deliver an effective service to the men we support. Volunteers are involved in all aspects of the organisations activities including creative engagement, street outreach and netreach to online sex workers.

Based in our office in Manchester the successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop and expand our existing provision ensuring our award winning and innovative approach continues to reach, engage, support and empower vulnerable young men across Manchester.

The Volunteer Coordinator will co-ordinate and develop our volunteer programme, ensuring that we have a safe, effective and accessible range of volunteering opportunities which meets the needs of our services users and enhances the effectiveness and reach of our provision. The post-holder will develop and manage a co-ordinated programme which demonstrably values volunteers and enables us to meet the whole-person needs of this highly marginalised and vulnerable group.

Please click here for job description, person spec and application form.