Creative Writing Facilitator
Salary: £85 per two hour workshop
Hours: Freelance
Contract: Freelance
Closing date: Monday 8th October
Are you a creative writing facilitator who can champion People’s History Museum (PHM) and its programme by delivering creative writing workshops in response to the museum’s collection?
People’s History Museum (PHM) in Manchester is the national museum of democracy, telling the story of its development in Britain: past, present, and future. The museum provides opportunities for people of all ages to learn about, be inspired by and get involved in ideas worth fighting for; ideas such as equality, social justice, co-operation, and a fair world for all. PHM offers a powerful programme with annual themes; 2018 looks at representation and commemorates 100 years since the first women and all men got the vote, and 2019 will see a year of activities around protest movements to mark the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre in Manchester, 1819.
We offer an inspiring Learning Programme for all ages that uses Living History performances, art based workshops and creative writing to engage learners with ideas worth fighting for. In line with Arts Council England (ACE) Cultural Education Challenge, we want to make sure that more children and young people can create, compose and perform. We want every child and young person to have the chance to visit, experience and participate in extraordinary work, and be able to know more, understand more, and review the experiences they’ve had.
Through our creative writing workshops participants examine key political speeches and explore their own voice and ideas. These workshops are delivered to a range of audiences including schools, colleges, community and adult groups. Using hot seating drama techniques and gallery exploration, participants give a voice to a historical object. By the end of the workshop participants, individually or in a group, create an original poem or story to perform in the galleries.
For enquiries relating to the post, please contact Charlie Corkin, Executive Support Officer at or 0161 838 9190.or phone 0161 838 9190.
For full details and how to apply, click here.