Sunday, December 8, 2024

Engagement Assistant, Into Film

Deadline: Sunday 23 August 2015 Paid (£20k-25k pro rata) Part time

Into Film is an education charity that seeks to put film at the heart of children and young people’s learning and cultural experience. Our UK-wide programme will provide 5-19 year olds with unparalleled opportunities to see, think, make and imagine, contributing to their educational, cultural, creative and personal development.

We are looking to recruit on a part-time basis the Engagement Assistant who will be required to carry out a number of administrative tasks to support the work of the Project Coordinator, helping to ensure that the project is achieving its goals, monitoring the film club activity of schools and youth groups (organisations) using our CRM system and producing reports for the Project Coordinator or Programme Manager.

Please visit our Into Film website, work for us section to read a full job description and to download the application form.