Doctoral Studentships in the School of Art
University of Liverpool – Humanities and Social Sciences
Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Liverpool
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: see advert
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 22nd January 2019
Closes: 28th February 2019
School: School of Arts
Stipend: Fees paid, plus £15,072 living allowance
Tenure: Up to 3 years
The School of the Arts is offering up to six fully funded PhD studentships, to cover fees and living allowance, to commence on 1st October 2019. There is a normal expectation that successful candidates will be given the opportunity to undertake some undergraduate teaching in the relevant department, after their first year of study, which will be paid separately from the stipend.
Candidates should submit a full C.V. and a research proposal that aligns closely with the existing research strengths within one of the five departments of the School (Architecture, English, Media and Communications, Music, and Philosophy).
For further information, please visit the School of the Arts website:
Application procedure:
To apply, please submit a full C.V. and a research proposal detailing your intended research topic (maximum 1,500 words), including the names of two suitable supervisors from the staff in the School of the Arts to by no later than 5pm on Thursday 28th February 2019.
You should arrange for TWO academic references to be sent independently by referees to by the closing date, clearly marked with your name and the studentship you are applying for.
Informal inquiries can be sent to Dr Yannis Tzioumakis;
Applicants should be prepared to be called for interview.