Board Trustee, Culture Warrington
- Closes 14th May 2018
We are seeking dynamic and motivated people to be new Trusrtee who:
– have a passion for Arst, Culture and Heritage
– are articulate, lively and enthusiastic
– have flexibility and imagination.
We expect Trustees to contribute actively to the Board by giving strategic direction; overseeing policies; evaluating performance; ensuring the charity’s effective and efficient administration and financial stability.
We want to have a wide range of people on the Board, and seek to be representative of the diverse population of Warrington. This year we are seeking to recruit four new Trustees to the Board; we are looking for people with some of the following skill sets:
• Arts/Venue Management
• Fundraising and Sponsorship
• Marketing
• Finance
Trustees are expected to
– attend up to six board meetings a year
– be a member of one or more Sub Committees
– contribute advice and support on an ad hoc basis
– attend events
– be key ambassadors for the Charity
For the recruitment pack and how to apply visit