Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeFeaturesReviewsMing Wong at 28-32 Wood Street, by Kayleigh Davies

Ming Wong at 28-32 Wood Street, by Kayleigh Davies

Image by Kayleigh Davies

Based on the detective stories of ‘Chinatown’, Ming Wong’s light-hearted perspectives are well worth a visit and make a nice break from heavier works in the Biennial.  The location of the old Open Eye Gallery (28-32 Wood Street) makes the perfect spacious, professional context for the display of work, despite what first impressions may be from outside. Once again, the Biennial proves its elegance by adding sparkle to a simple city centre venue.

Intriguing silhouettes of characters posing as if originating from the authentic blockbuster advertisements fill out the exhibition space as they surround projection screens that have been intelligently recreated by the artist. The silhouettes also highlight the artist’s skills for painting and capturing light, although the emphasis of the showcase seems to be on his video art.

Although illuminated by a circular window in the on-looking wall, it would be easy to miss the back room of the show as it remains hidden – however, it is a crying shame for any visitors who did as they missed what I believe was one of the most beautiful parts of the Biennial. The beauty of the memorabilia on display, presented in a collage fashion to embrace every detail and enhance the stunning vintage pieces using glass to reflect the light is an education in itself.

In all, a successful city centre location for the Biennial, not only in content but as seems to be with all of my visits, a talented artist that has been intelligently curated.