“Work” Exhibition, Wexford, Ireland. Art/Poetry/Film
Submissions invited for Wexford Arts Hub exhibition, “WORK”, to celebrate International Workers’ Day 2019.
The exhibition in The Creative Hub , Mallin Street, Wexford, will run from 1st to 18th May (2.00 – 5.00pm daily, Monday to Saturday). Work needs to reflect the concerns of workers, their workplaces and conditions as well as the struggles by workers to improve their position in society and to achieve greater power for workers in how society is managed.
Workers have, and continue to, support each other through the trade union movement and by collective solidarity. This ethos of working together has been an example for many social movements throughout the world.
The final exhibition of selected work will be curated collectively by the members of Wexford Arts Hub. You may submit work up until 5.00pm Saturday 27th April. There is a handling fee of €5.00 for each work submitted. A commission of 10% of the selling price will be charged on all works sold. See Wexford Arts Hub Facebook page.
Contact: golfamigo54@aol.com