4Â December 2017
Following the success of Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2017 at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art and BALTIC 39, and in advance of its tour to Block 336, London, from 27 January 2018, submissions to take part in the 2018 exhibition will open 10am, 4 December 2017.
For its 2018’s open call, New Contemporaries will now accept submissions from a number of non-degree awarding programmes. Its decision to open up access to opportunities to artists developing their practice outside of formal education reflects the organisation’s values of independence and democracy.
New Contemporaries recognises that tuition fees, student loans and the cost of living make it a challenging environment for artists from a broad range of backgrounds to enter Higher Education. It also understands that artists enter alternative models of education often through necessity due to financial and personal commitments, as well as through an increasing interest in the specific offer alternative programmes of study can bring.
Recognising the merit and value of alternative programmes of study as a means for artists to develop their practice, New Contemporaries’ Director, Kirsty Ogg said: ‘Previously, New Contemporaries’ platform has been open to final year undergraduates, postgraduates and those one year out of study at Higher Education institutions offering recognised degree qualifications. As such the quality, breadth and diversity of submissions to our annual show is directly affected by access to study and by changes in how art is valued and taught in the UK.
‘Since 2017 a number of alternative learning programmes have emerged across the UK, often founded by artists as well as arts organisations such as AltMFA, Islington Mill Art Academy, Open School East, School of the Damned, The Syllabus, TOMA and Turps Art School. These programmes encapsulate what has been described as the educational turn, which places an emphasis on process, peer-led learning and activity outside of existing educational structures. The costs of these programmes are less prohibitive than mainstream education, but their approach to learning and artists’ development is no less meticulous and productive. Often artists who have studied at undergraduate level in a traditional educational institution choose to study on these programmes as an alternative to formalised postgraduate study’.
To apply, artists are asked to submit a portfolio of 5 works online from 10am, 4 December 2017.
Following two rigorous selection rounds, participants will be announced in Spring 2018.
For full guidelines and for application procedures and final submissions please follow this link:http://www.newcontemporaries.
From 10am, 4 December 2017, artists will be able to submit their work online via this link:http://submissions.
You can also follow New Contemporaries on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for further announcements.