In 2015 the show saw over sixty highly-talented artists exhibit at three renowned galleries across the country, with prizes of over £15,000 awarded. The show was seen by 42,500 people across the venues, with 43 pieces sold resulting in sales of over £55,000.
We expect the 2017/18 Prize Exhibition to be even bigger as we travel to three of the North’s most prestigious venues: the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle; Huddersfield Art Gallery; and Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle. Also, for the first time, we will be taking all the artists to the cultural heart of London as we spend a week at the Bankside Gallery in June 2018.
Our CALL FOR ENTRIES opens on the 1st MAY 2017.
“True to its name, New Light is a revelation. None of the open exhibitions I’ve judged in the past has tapped into such a pool of undiscovered talent. There are always a few established artists whose work one recognises, but nearly all of the artists here were new to me and there were several I was astonished – and rather ashamed – not to have come across. I hope this exposure will make them more visible in the future. The sheer variety of work, at all levels, was heartening – it bolstered my faith in the vigour of British painting.” Laura Gascoigne – Art Reviewer and 2015 Judge
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