Postcode Local Trust to re-open in January 2017 (England, Scotland & Wales)
The Postcode Local Trust which is a grant-giving body funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery will re-open for applications on the 23rd January 2017. The Trust provides financial support for charities and good causes which help communities enhance their natural environment in a way that benefits the wider community. Registered charities in England, Scotland & Wales can apply from £500 – £20,000 (£10,000 in Wales) whilst other constituted not for profit organisations may apply for up to £2,000 for community based projects that improve local ecology and habitats, encourage bio-diversity and benefit the wider environment.
The type of projects that can be funded include:
- Good causes which enable local people to benefit wildlife and engage with the natural environment
- Projects that enhance biodiversity or renovate/create new green habitats
- Sustainable energy projects benefitting local areas and local people
- Enhancement of play areas vital to a local area
- Volunteering initiatives of local importance.
The closing date for applications will be the 10th February 2017. Read more at: