Deadline: Sunday 13 September 2015
‘Hey McFly’ is the first contemporary art exhibition brought to you by Twin Pines Creative Council. The exhibition will show off some excellent artwork celebrating the anniversary of the sci-fi classic Back To The Future and everything that comes with it.
The exhibition will help Parkinson’s UK awareness and all proceeds will go to the charity.
This is a call for artists and designers of any age with a similar love for the sci-fi classic who want to be a part of an exciting exhibition, displayed in the heart of Liverpool’s established Baltic Triangle.
Please fill out the form and return it to us by the 13th September 2015 via our email –
Twin Pines Creative Council will review the submissions and will get back to you no later than 16th September 2015.
The exhibition will be held in Constellations, Liverpool on 21st October 2015.
Artist Submission form: