We have vacancies to fill within our Board of Trustees. Can you help us find new members? Are you interested in becoming involved?
The Liverpool Irish Festival (LIF) delivers a diverse, high quality and often ground breaking programme each October. LIF is a charitable company, whose Directors are its Trustees. These volunteers, come together as a Board to lead the charity and decide how it is run. LIF’s current Board aims to recruit skilled, experienced and enthusiastic individuals to come join our current Trustees to guide and support the organisation through its next exciting phase of development.
Trustees will have strategic vision, independent judgement and a willingness to give time and commitment to the Liverpool Irish Festival. The Festival’s aim is to develop a diverse Board, so applications are welcomed from all sections of the community, in particular women and young people, who are recognise are currently under-represented on the Board and from whom we encourage applications. Ideally new trustees will have experience of the cultural sector, a familiarity with Liverpool Irish arts and culture and/or skills in digital applications.
The Trustee role is unpaid and requires a time commitment of, on average, half a day per month. This includes attendance at the Board and sub-committee meetings, Board development workshops and strategic planning events. The meetings generally take place in the early evening.
We have provided a full Policy Pack and our Articles of Association. Â Attention is drawn to the following sections of the Policy Pack:
- Board background (also available here) – Page 8
- Code of Conduct – Page 12
- Corporate Governance – Page 4
- Eligibility and Declaration of Interests Forms – Page 48
- Person specification – Page 5 (and below)
- Terms of Reference – Page 9
Applications to become a member of the LIF Board should be made by submission of your CV and a one-page letter describing how you meet the criteria. Submissions will be understood to have read the items outlined above. You can download a PDF of this advert here. Please email these to chair@liverpoolirishfestival.com by 30 June 2017.
Interviews will take place by arrangement with shortlisted applicants in July 2017.
Trustee Person Specification
Each trustee should have (* denotes ‘desirable’):
Skills and abilities
- Communication skills
- Financial skills*
- IT skills*
- Ability to think creatively
- Expertise in business*
- Ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the Festival
- Ability to apply the principles of: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership
- Knowledge of arts/creative sector
- Knowledge/awareness of the Liverpool Irish community
- Knowledge/awareness of historical/heritage/cultural issues
- HR expertise/knowledge*
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- Previous Board experience, particularly in the charitable, arts or voluntary sector*
Personal style and behaviour
- Commitment to the organisation
- Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
- Creativity/inspiration/Strategic vision
- Good, independent judgement
- Willingness to speak their mind
More information & how to apply: here