Alternative Life Drawing Liverpool
Liverpool Arts Bar: 22 Hope St, Liverpool L1 9BY
Every Sunday 5pm-7.30pm
Sessions lead by Artist Laura Sullivan
Sessions use a range of diverse models who introduce alternative themes, challenging gender, whilst incorporating costume and props. These sessions aim to spice up your portfolio, offer something new and exciting for artists in a vibrant atmosphere.
Models and themes rotate weekly.
This is a 2 hour drawing session with a 30 min break, you are welcome to purchase drinks at the bar to bring into the session.
Tickets can be purchased for £10 in advance via EventBrite
Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/alternative-life-drawing-liverpool-tickets-192266824247
Tickets can be purchased on the door **£12 cash only!**
Basic materials are supplied (A4 paper, drawing boards, HB pencils)
Recommended to bring your own materials.
No photography or inappropriate behaviour will be tolerated in the sessions.
Join us on social media!
FaceBook Event: https://fb.me/e/1lHoepesg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AltLifeDrawingLiv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/altlifedrawingliv/