LightNight 2018: Sensor City: Technological Transformation

LightNight 2018: Sensor City: Technological Transformation


17:00 - 23:00


Sensor City
31 Russell Street, Liverpool, L3 5JL, Liverpool

Event Type

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17:00 – 23:00

Sensor City

Family Friendly, Participate

Sensor City is hosting a range of events exploring the theme of ‘technological transformation’. Check them out from 17:00 – 23:00:

The B Collective

As the world’s first volunteer testers of the New Pulse prototype, audience members will receive an interactive consultation on this new (fictional) technology that is transforming lives on a global scale. Humans will no longer require a phone in their hand to connect to the world; the installation of the implant will do this more efficiently and effectively than any technology that already exists.

Let a lab coated team of ‘specialists’ take you through your journey discussing the New Pulse and its benefits. Need to get directions? New Pulse gets you there without ever looking at a map! Need to go to the doctors because of an injury? New Pulse decides what treatment you need without you ever stepping foot in a waiting room! Need to pay for something but don’t have your credit card? New Pulse pays for you!

This is The B Collective’s first project as a company, inspired by how rapidly technology is transforming our everyday lives and connecting us in new and unimaginable ways.


 Using four Internet of Things (IoT) cameras, participants can record their response to Light Night and document their evenings as they walk around the city. The cameras take photos every 30 seconds and will be connected to the internet allowing real time images to be seen. Fomocams will be passed between participants to record the transformation of Liverpool from day to night, in addition to image manipulation transforming the raw pictures into an ‘alternative city’. See what people are up to and track down the cameras on

Formula Student

LJMU e-Racing Team design, build and race single-seat, open-wheeled race cars to compete in annual Formula Student competitions. Check them out as they exhibit their electric vehicles developed using advanced engineering software.

Exploring robots of the future with the University of Liverpool

Robotics and autonomous systems are at the centre of a technological revolution which has the ability to transform our economy, our society and our personal lives.  A series of live demonstrations give visitors the opportunity to find out about the exciting innovations and technologies which are being developed by scientists at the University of Liverpool.

Explore the Brain

Chanua Health designs and manages projects that support individual wellbeing, one of which is Neuro Champions. Neuro Champions is an educational programme which provides young people with the knowledge and skills they need in order to become effective young leaders in mental health. ‘Explore the Brain’ through a range of activities including physical products, brain games, banners and videos.

LightNight’s full listings from Open Culture here