18:00 – 19:00 Liverpool Medical Institution
Words & Debate
114 Mount Pleasant
L3 5SR
0151 709 9125
Full details here
“I turn my chair around to face her and, with the voice I use in sessions – direct, serious, but the exact opposite of confrontative, with all the compassion that it’s possible for one human being to have for another, I ask the question – it’s a simple three word question, yet it has an extraordinary power.
What are you?”
In an increasingly complex world, more and more people seem to be looking for simple answers. Trained as a narrative therapist, Johannes Klabbers encourages people who are looking for a different way of being in the world to adopt a posthumanist approach which seeks to move beyond the binaries of human/non-human, self and other, and to embrace complexity, emphasising not difference but relationality.
Johannes’ book I Am Here: Stories from a Cancer Ward tells the true story of an academic who takes voluntary redundancy and reinvents himself as a secular pastoral worker in a cancer hospital.
Johannes will be conducting one-on-one sessions at The Bluecoat over the weekend, which you can apply for after the talk. If you would like to register for a one-on-one session, there is a suggested £5 donation to register.
Please arrive early as spaces are limited.