Indigo Cafe: Indigo Upcycling

Indigo Cafe: Indigo Upcycling


17:00 - 19:00


Indigo Cafe
136 Bedford Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 2AS

Event Type

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Calling all Slow-Fashion Warriors and the ‘Upcycling Curious’ – join our group!

Some regular Indigoers are starting an Upcycling team that will meet on a Thursday and we want you to be a part of it!


Maybe you’re curious, maybe you want to join us every week as a way of meeting like-minded souls or perhaps you want to find a good drop in… whatever your feeling, join this group to find out what each week might bring.

Each week we might learn new simple sewing techniques, the best way to patch items or share tips and tricks that we’ve learnt along the way… it’s flexible and led by the members, but one thing connects us: we think slow fashion is cool and maybe you do too

See you Thursdays 5pm!