Independents Biennial: Kevin Crooks & Callan Waldron Hall: Thatto Heath

Independents Biennial: Kevin Crooks & Callan Waldron Hall: Thatto Heath


20.3.21 - 6.6.21    
All Day

Event Type

View their exhibition via the links: HERE

Download the e-book HERE

Since August 2020 writer Callan Waldron-Hall and Kevin Crooks have been collaborating on a project which was commissioned by St. Helens Library Service.

The project utilises photographic images and text to create a current snapshot of Thatto Heath, a small residential area placed within the borough of St. Helens.

The text is derived from recent personal and anonymous written accounts from local residents who work and live in the area of Thatto Heath. Callan has creatively re-presented the written accounts to coincide and to respond to an ongoing series of photographs that I have been capturing within and around Thatto Heath since August last year.

As a consequence of the social distancing restrictions, Callan and I have been communicating remotely and through continued dialogue, we have presented a number of images and text which reflect the feelings and thoughts of members of the community of Thatto Heath.

Further Info: The text derives from recent anonymous, personal accounts from residents of the community of Thatto Heath. These were reflective comments of their own thoughts of how they see their community at the moment, how they feel it’s changed and what they feel the future holds.