Free Comic Book Art Workshops
with Cath Garvey
Tuesdays at Kirkby Gallery this Summer
31 July, 7, 14 & 21 August 10.30am – 12.30pm
Local comic book author and illustrator Cath Garvey will be leading free workshops where younger visitors can create their own characters and a mini ‘zine to keep!
We’re delighted to announce that Kirkby Gallery have selected Cath as Knowsley’s emerging artist for Merseyside’s Independents Biennial 2018. Cath is a freelance Illustrator and Comic Artist from Huyton. She studied Illustration at Plymouth University and graduated in 2016. Cath’s self-published satirical comics quietly empower women and also offer humour on very real subjects.
As well as her workshops, there is also a small exhibition of her fabulous work at Kirkby Gallery to enjoy.
Places on the workshops are free, but numbers are limited so booking is essential – email tina.ball@knowsley.gov.uk