Heart of Glass (Online): PARRTY

Heart of Glass (Online): PARRTY


1.1.21 - 14.3.23    
All Day

Event Type

1st Jan 2021 — 31st Mar 2023
A zine for young women, by young women.

PARRTY aims to celebrate and amplify the voices, views and interests of young women in Parr, St Helens.

Artist, Kate Hodgson has been working with girls and young women in Parr to develop a project exploring their experiences of living and growing up in and around the area.

PARRTY is a collaborative and interactive project, group members were invited to take part in creative activities and conversations exploring themes of interest to them and together created a new zine (DIY – Do It Yourself / Self published magazine) to be shared with friends, family and their local community.

PARRTY Zine – Issue One

Published in 2021, Issue one of PARRTY was available in both digital and printed formats along with a series of ‘How to films’ introducing the zine and the different creative activities.

Issue One acted as an invitation for young people to get involved, including activities and provocations as well as space for girls and young women to share what they would like to see in future issues.

Download your Free copy here: Download

PARRTY Zine – Issue Two

The second issue of PARRTY was launched in April 2022, created by Kate in collaboration with the girls and young women, featuring their drawings, artworks, ideas and reflections of their experiences of living and growing up in Parr and St Helens.

Three-hundred copies of the zine were printed using a risograph printing process by environmentally friendly, community owned printers MARC the Printers in Salford.

PARRTY Zine – Issue two will be shared to recipients chosen by the group members as well as made available to friends, family, community members and schools via the community hubs and local library.

Find out more about Issue two.