DoES Liverpool: Draw Social

DoES Liverpool: Draw Social


18:00 - 21:00


The Tapestry
68-76 Kempston Street, Liverpool, L3 8HL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Need to brush up on some drawing skills ? Draw Social a place for drawing, collaborating, socialising bring your sketchbook. First session taking place at the new Events space at DOES Liverpool in the new Tapestry area. Beginners through to those wishing to enhance their current work practice with some basic drawing, draw each other the surroundings or bring something with you you wish to draw. Sessions will be untutored. A place to collaborate on design ideas, swap working practice tips etc.

Takes place on Monday 30th July 6-9pm DOES Liverpool, The Tapestry, 68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL.