Convenience Gallery: Convenience Life Drawing

Convenience Gallery: Convenience Life Drawing


18:30 - 20:30


Abbey Close Unit 1, Birkenhead, CH41 5FQ

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Convenience Gallery will now be hosting a monthly Life Drawing session at Bloom Building.


Convenience Gallery CIC host a monthly life drawing session. This takes place in the bar/ coffeeshop at Bloom too, so you can get a drink whilst you work on your drawings. (At Bloom bar & Coffee 100% of the £’s you spend go to support the work of the Open Door Charity. How boss is that?!).

This is a session for people of all levels. It is untaught so that means bringing along whatever materials you want to work with and have fun with it. There will be a mixture of poses; both short and long. There will be a 20 minute break at the halfway point to.

We will have some materials available if you forget yours, but please bring along whatever you wish to work with. Whether thats pens, pencils, paint, canvas, carcoal, paper, or something completely different bring it along.

Social distancing measures have been fully considered for the building and for this session. We have a capacity on the space to ensure you all feel comfortable working and have plenty of space to work in. Bloom is also an accessible space, however if you have any additional requirements or questions please get in touch ahead of the session on and one of our team will be happy to help! We’ve have reduced capacity for this session to 15. You will also need to wear a mask when moving around the building.