AND Festival: Anita Fontaine – The Blue Violet River

AND Festival: Anita Fontaine - The Blue Violet River


27.5.21 - 11.6.21    
All Day

Event Type

Anita Fontaine – The Blue Violet River

Part of AND Festival – more information here

See exhibition & event details here

“I want to update the conventional guided tour into something magical that weaves together science fiction, environmental themes and local architecture into a future fairytale – as seen from the River Mersey Ferry” – Anita Fontaine

Step aboard the iconic Mersey Ferry to inhabit a fantasy-fiction world exploring an evolved reality brought about by climate change, rising sea levels and tropical climates. 

Anita Fontaine’s augmented ecology of the River Mersey invites the viewer to suspend belief and encounter a kaleidoscopic world through custom-built viewfinders on the decks of a Mersey Ferry. 

Psychedelic audio-visual sculptures explode from land and water, and the Mersey skyline playfully shapeshifts revealing a surreal alternate reality of the urban landscape in The Blue Violet River.

This augmented reality (AR) work playfully envisions a peaceful future vision of evolved humanity, freed from an unsustainable past and tuned into a new core consciousness of planetary sound frequencies. 

From the river’s intercontinental trade to the regular blooms of moon jellyfish drawn in by tidal currents, our post-industrial perspective of the River Mersey warps in this future-forward techno fantasy.

The Blue Violet River will be presented on board Mersey Ferries. More details on how to experience the work will be released soon. 


The Blue Violet River by Anita Fontaine is commissioned and produced by Abandon Normal Devices for AND Festival 2021. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England with further support from Merseytravel.